Ego is the unhealthy belief in our own importance

Posted on 21 Mar 2021 09:09 in Personal
by Siddharth Deshmukh

Here are notes, ideas, thoughts, and reflections.

I recently started reading an interesting book, Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday. I am yet to start making notes from the book. But here is my first note -

Ego is the unhealthy belief in our own importance.


and here are other thoughts and notes of this week - 


Our actions always reveal our real values.
No matter what you say, your actions reveal the truth.




Money is nothing more than a neutral exchange of value. If people give you money, it's proof that you're giving them something valuable in return.




Business is creative. You can do things any way you want. There's no need to adhere to norms. Norms are for businesses without personality.


Pour your personality and philosophy into the way you do business. People actually appreciate it when you do things in a surprising way. It shows you care more than most — that you're putting yourself into this — that you're not just in it for the money.




The essence of marketing is looking at everything from the other person's point of view. No surprise, any creators find it hard to switch into that mode. So how do you sell? Take help or learn.




  • Marketing means making it easy for people to notice you, relate to you, remember you, and tell their friends about you.
  • Marketing means listening for what people need and creating something surprisingly tailored for them.
  • Marketing means getting to know people, making a deeper connection, and keeping in touch.
  • Just find creative ways to be considerate. That's the best marketing.




Even if just for a few hours. Unplug. Turn off your phone and Wi-Fi. Focus. Write. Practice. Create. That's what's rare and valuable these days.




You shouldn't give your opinion on everything just because you can.




Saying NO is important to be successful.

Saying NO is better even if you are new, not yet successful. Saying no makes your yes more powerful.




The best plan is the one that lets you change your plans.




People who spend more for a product or service value it more and get more use out of it.

I am pondering should all our products allow only a strict 14 days trial?




Ideas don't make you rich. Successful execution of ideas does.




The hardest times are when you learn the most. Don't wish not to have them. Don't avoid mistakes. Just make sure to reflect on them and learn from them.




Nowadays, one can find everything on Google. But when there was no Google, people still figure out things. They could find the information they needed. It was slow, but surprisingly it was easy to get the correct information.  


Today when you search on Google, you are just a click away from millions of information sources; the most challenging part is determining valid and correct information from those millions of sources. 


In addition to that, Facebook and WhatsApp helping spread further rumors, misinformation, and fake news. 






It's easy to commit to principles when they don't cost you anything. That's why most mission statements ring so hollow. They're filled with free platitudes and thus provide no guidance on how to actually drive "the mission" when trade-offs must be made. 




Passion and purpose are emotions that come after expertise and experience.




Think of what makes a great career:

  • good pay
  • room to grow
  • freedom and control
  • positive impact
  • emotionally rewarding

Jobs like this are rare and valuable. A great career isn't something you find — it's something you earn when you've got rare and valuable skills to offer in return.


In other words, you can only earn a great career by building your expertise and experience.




In a growth mindset, you commit to mastering valuable skills regardless of mood, knowing passion and purpose come from doing great work, which comes from expertise and experience.


I am still reading and thinking about mindset.




I love little lessons that surprise my expectations and change my mind. If we're not surprised, we're not learning.




Most of us don't decide which value is most important to us until we're forced to make this decision.




Most of these notes are from Derek Sivers writings, which I am currently reading. I am reflecting on them, not necessary that I agree with all.


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