How to be happy?

Posted on 24 Mar 2021 15:52 in Personal
by Siddharth Deshmukh

Let go of goals. Instead, just work on something meaningful. For example, We created a website builder (Budo) to manage the Shimbi Labs website. Then when someone asked to build CMS for them, we proposed Budo. Few like the idea accepted it; for others...

Let go of goals. Instead, just work on something meaningful.


For example, We created a website builder (Budo) to manage the Shimbi Labs website. Then when someone asked to build CMS for them, we proposed Budo. Few like the idea accepted it; for others, we made it based on their choice. 


We did not force convenience to anyone. We did not set a number for new signup goals or MRR numbers. We just put up a web page for Budo so people can signup, experience it, and if they like it, they will subscribe.


We focus on making Budo better every passing month and put words out. We are creators, we like to create useful things and let our customer decide if it is worth. Things will sell because they are valuable to customers, not because of the sales goals we set.


The focus is on creating good software, not setting a target for a number of new signups or monthly revenue, and to achieve them play all types of games and spend huge money on sales and marketing. Instead, we invest time and money in R&D and create a better version of the software.


The same is with life; setting the goal to become rich will not make you reach; you need to work towards it. Setting a goal to become an olympian athlete will not make you the top athlete, but hitting the field every morning and improving your skills every day will help you compete with other world-class athletes one day. 


Let go of goals, focus on what matters the most, and move towards what you want in life. Setting you free will allow you to be flexible and accept the change that will make you happy, not failed goals.


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