Businesses love to compete. To beat each other at their games, win one market, then the other, and yet another. Some even aim for a monopoly like Apple, Google, and Amazon.
We don't. We have no interest in competing with anyone.
And we don't make any internal decisions based on the competition mindset.
At Shimbi Labs, the business has never been about competition for me. It's always about creating useful things that will help someone to improve their life or work.
We built our products for our internal use and later thought they might be useful to other similar size businesses. It was always about creating valuable things that can be useful to others.
Many people may compare Budo with WordPress or Wix. Shimbi Invoice with QuickBook or thousands of similar software, but we don't think that way.
WordPress and Wix together have more than 235 million websites using them. We'll be extraordinarily fortunate if we ever get to even 0.1% of that.
35% of all active sites worldwide are running WordPress. Budo will never even register a blip on the market share radar.
More than 50,000 websites come to life via WordPress daily Budo's numbers are in 2 digits.
By any traditional metric, we lose. And we'll keep losing—one loss after another. We are literally losers.
This is why we don't think in terms of wins/losses. We don't think about competing. Competition is for business, not for we like creators, we are happy creating something useful, even if it is for minorities as long as it can better their lives.
Budo is simply an alternative for those who really care about their effective online presence through their straightforward website, blog, or online store; Independence from experts and expensive bills to maintain their small business website.
Many small businesses like Aster Daycare from Acton, Massachusetts, small theater group Swatantra Theater from Pune, India, The City of Yokohama Mumbai Office from Japan, and freelance recruiter K N Global Recruiters from Banglore, decided to use Budo.
A photographer, artist, yoga teacher, musician, doctor, small business owner, people from different types of businesses choose Budo to create a website, blog, or store.
All we have to do is get enough customers to make our business work. That's it. That's how we stay alive. We don't need to take market share away from anyone by spending lots of money. We simply have our own economics to worry about, and if we get that right, we're happy.
When you think of yourself as an alternative rather than a competitor, you sidestep the grief, the comparison, the need to measure up continually. We just need to focus on creating something beneficial and meaningful for those who need it most.
WordPress or Wix would be a failure at Budo's numbers, and yet, for us, Budo is a roaring success. We can't compete with WordPress or Wix on their terms, and they can't compete on ours. Sports have universal rules both sides follow. Business doesn't.
Competition Kills. We Create.